APPLICATION FOR:      x Tenure     x  Promotion to ___Associate Professor__________

APPLICATION FOR EARLY TENURE:                    x  No 


I. Information

  1. Name:           Steve M. Bounds, Ed.D.

            a.  Rank held   Assistant Professor

            b.  Time in current rank          Four and one-half years at time of application

 II.        Department:  Educational Leadership, Curriculum & Special Education

            a.  College       Education

III.        Date of first contract at ASU           August 2007

  1. Years of uninterrupted service at ASU as of 5/15/11        Four

            a.  Date of last promotion NA


IV.        Degrees held


V.         Professional experience


VI.        Outstanding performance in professional teaching as evidenced by long-term, regular, and recent evaluations by students, peers, or supervisors, or a combination thereof:

  1. Percent teaching time for last three years           100%
  2. Summary of courses taught including course number, number of students per course, and credit hours produced
  3. Student evaluations
  4. Academic advising – number of graduates and undergraduates advised: 1023 and growing
  5. Number and titles of graduate thesis or dissertation supervised NA
  6. Number and titles of undergraduate honors thesis, research project, etc. NA
  7. Special student advising activities – educational trips, etc. NA
  8. Special teaching honors, awards, evidence of special teaching recognition or excellence, etc.NA

VII.       Outstanding performance in professional, scholarly or creative work appropriate to the discipline or field as evidenced by long-term, regular and recent publications in peer-reviewed vehicles of significant professional stature; or by long-term, regular, and recent inclusions in juried or reviewed presentations, shows, concerts or recitals; or by long term, regular and recent research grants; or by long-term, regular and recent inclusions in other outlets of significant professional stature.

a.  Scholarly publications of significant professional stature

b. Creative activities of significant professional stature NA

c. Scholarly presentations to learned forums

VIII.      Outstanding contributions in professional service activities as evidenced by long-term, regular, and recent contributions at the university, state, regional or national level.  (For example:  student advisement; retention activities; departmental degree, program, curriculum and course development committees; membership on collegiate and university committees; sponsorship of student organizations; involvement in grant and contract activities; and other such professional, nonteaching, nonscholarly activities that serve the university such as membership, participation, and office holding in international, national, state, or regional professional organizations appropriate to the area of appointment.)

a. Services to the university

b. Services to Regional/State/Community

c. Professional organization meetings and conferences attended

d. Other professional services or activities